Run a larger benchmark¶
# import olympus
from olympus import Olympus
# create olympus
olymp = Olympus()
from olympus import list_planners
planners=['Gpyopt', 'Hyperopt', 'ConjugateGradient']
olymp.benchmark(dataset='alkox', planners=planners, num_iter=20)
[INFO] Loading emulator using a BayesNeuralNet model for the dataset alkox...
[INFO] Loading emulator using a BayesNeuralNet model for the dataset alkox...
[INFO] Loading emulator using a BayesNeuralNet model for the dataset alkox...
[INFO] Loading emulator using a BayesNeuralNet model for the dataset alkox...
[INFO] Loading emulator using a BayesNeuralNet model for the dataset alkox...
[INFO] Loading emulator using a BayesNeuralNet model for the dataset alkox...
[INFO] Loading emulator using a BayesNeuralNet model for the dataset alkox...
[INFO] Loading emulator using a BayesNeuralNet model for the dataset alkox...
[INFO] Loading emulator using a BayesNeuralNet model for the dataset alkox...
[INFO] Loading emulator using a BayesNeuralNet model for the dataset alkox...
[INFO] Loading emulator using a BayesNeuralNet model for the dataset alkox...
[INFO] Loading emulator using a BayesNeuralNet model for the dataset alkox...
[INFO] Loading emulator using a BayesNeuralNet model for the dataset alkox...
[INFO] Loading emulator using a BayesNeuralNet model for the dataset alkox...
[INFO] Loading emulator using a BayesNeuralNet model for the dataset alkox...
Plot results¶
from olympus import Plotter
plotter = Plotter()

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