Custom Emulators

You can create your own emulator, based on a custom dataset within Olympus. A simple example where we create an Emulator for Boston housing dataset can be found in the examples. Here we provide a high-level guide of the steps necessary.

First, you need to create a custom Dataset. This can easily be done if you have your data in a DataFrame. This needs to contain all parameters and measurements/targets, such that you can specify the column name for the target of interest

from olympus.datasets import Dataset
import pandas as pd

df = pd.from_csv('mydata.csv')
dataset = Dataset(data=df, target_ids=['target'])

Second, you need to specify the parameter space of the problem. An easy of doing this is to ask Olympus to infer this from the data


However, to have more control over this you can instantiate and populate a ParameterSpace object to then pass to dataset:

from olympus import ParameterSpace, Parameter

# initialise a parameter space object
param_space = ParameterSpace()

# define the parameters and append them to param_space
param1 = Parameter(kind='continuous', name='param1', low=10, high=100)
param2 = Parameter(kind='continuous', name='param2', low=5, high=15)

# provide this param_space to dataset

Now the details of your data are all set. So as third step, you need to instantiate the Model that will be trained on this data:

from olympus.models import BayesNeuralNet

model = BayesNeuralNet(hidden_depth=2, hidden_nodes=12, hidden_act='leaky_relu', out_act="relu",
                       batch_size=50, reg=0.005, max_epochs=10000)

Finally, you combine dataset and model into an Emulator:

from olympus import Emulator
emulator = Emulator(dataset=dataset, model=model, feature_transform='normalize', target_transform='normalize')

The choice of feature_transform, target_transform, as well as the model hyperparameters depend on the details of your dataset. Once all this is setup, you can use cross-validation to test your emulator and tweak the model’s architecture:


Once you are happy with the performance of the emulator, you can train it:


After this, you have a custom emulator ready to be used to benchmark various optimization algorithms for your specific problem:

You can also save this specific emulator to be reused:

# save'custom_emulator')

# load
emulator = load_emulator('custom_emulator')